Hole Repair

The damage to the EIFS system may be the result of intentional vandalism, unintentional damage resulting from traffic, landscaping activities etc, or weather phenomenon such as blowing debris, heavy hail etc. Holes or other damage is easily repaired with Terraco Styrobond HB DP - less than 50 mm in diameter.

Repair Guide

  1. Inspect the damaged area in detail and ascertain the scope and extent of damage. Ensure the necessary tools, equipments, products, safety equipment are readily available. Take care to protect / cover surrounding areas if necessary.
  2. Using broad masking tape, mask off an area slightly larger than the damaged area. Remove / grind away using a disk grinder, with a 20 grit aluminium oxide disk, the EIFS finish coat a minimum of 80 mm on all sides of the cut out area down to the existing base coat layer - keeping the cut edges of the finish coat clean and non-tapered. Please take due care NOT to damage the underlying reinforcing mesh while removing the finish coat.
  3. Cut out the damaged foam using a sharp utility knife to reveal fresh foam. Do not cut the foam all the way to the substrate. The area to be patched should be round or rectangular in shape, not deeper than 10mm -15 mm, and slightly larger than the damaged area. Deeper patches should be filled with a piece of insulation board. Take care to ensure the cut is perpendicular to the substrate.
  4. Mix the Terraco Styrobond HB DP, and apply the mixture to the damaged area to a depth of approximately 1.5-2.0 mm below the surface of the existing base coat. Also add a thin layer to the exposed base coat surrounding the area. While this area and the Styrobond HB DP are still wet, cut a piece of Terraco Terramesh to the correct size, embed, over lapping the base coat by a minimum of 20 mm. Use additional Styrobond HB DP to fill the damaged area, cover the mesh and feather into the surrounding base coat. If material appears slightly loose, allow a short time for it to stiffen up, and then level off.
  5. The final level of the applied Styrobond DP HB should be approximately 1.5 – 2mm (depending on the finish) below the surrounding / pre-existing finish in order to achieve a flush final result after finish coat application. Allow to dry fully (recommended 24 - 48 hrs subject to ambient conditions).
  6. If necessary, precisely mask off the pre-existing finish. Apply the new Terraco EIFS decorative finish coat (ensure to match the colour with existing finish as applicable) and merge the new finish into the pre-existing finish. While the new decorative finish is still wet, remove the masking tape and feather the edges of the patch so they merge with the surrounding area. As appropriate use a trowel, brush, screw / nail or other applicable tools to match / tweak the texture in detail and ensure the edges of the new and existing finish merge fully. Special care is required at this stage to ensure a successful repair that meets both aesthetic and performance parameters.


  1. Ensure all required tools, products and safety equipment are readily available before starting repairs.
  2. Ensure that the EIFS System to be repaired is completely dry throughout before starting repair work.
  3. As part of the ageing process due to extended exposure, dirt pick up and ambient conditions the original colour may alter slightly over time. Terraco recommends the top coating of the repaired area and the adjacent surfaces / facade(s) with an appropriate shade of Terracoat Stain in order to ensure colour homogeneity.